Forest Skills (10-13)

Who is it for?

This is an experiential outdoor learning programme for 10-13 year olds from South West Edinburgh which takes place during the school holidays in the woodland environments around Youth Vision’s base and in local community greenspaces.

It aims to:

  • As a holiday group, support the transition for young people between primary and secondary school
  • Improve the confidence, physical, social and emotional wellbeing of participants
  • Engage young people from areas of urban deprivation in the natural environment and help to improve their connection to nature
  • Offer respite and support to families in the local community
  • Provide Volunteering opportunities for adults and young leaders in outdoor learning and youth work
  • Referrals are taken for our local partner groups and schools in south west Edinburgh, up to maximum of 12 places

How does it work?

  • The project runs from 10am – 2pm
  • Minibus pick-up and drop-off is available
  • 3 days in first week of the Edinburgh school Easter holidays
  • 2 x 3 days in first two weeks of the Edinburgh school summer holidays
  • The programme is free with lunches and warm drinks provided