Staying on track (16-24)

A Skills development programme for young people who are entering the senior phase of their education – open to anyone in S4 or higher, based at our 18th Century farm steading in the Pentland Hills.


By working with young people struggling with formal education, we provide alternative solutions to support many different needs. Working alongside the referral agency, we develop an individual plan and ensure inclusion.


  • To provide life-skills and capacity building ensuring that they have access to information and skills that will improve their quality of life in communication and integration.
  • To empower youth to develop their own self-control and build confidence.
  • To help young people gain control of their own lives and make better choices.
  • To help and support young people on their transition on to better destinations.

Included is an initial meeting with young person through a referral and meeting the family via a school or home visit. By working directly with referral partner, we can also attend YPPM and other meetings at no additional cost.

Weekly sessions

The year is divided into 6-8 week themed blocks each focusing on gaining skills for future employment.

Run from 10am till 4pm with minibus pick-ups from school or home (at 9.30am) throughout the full academic year. Food and drinks provided, along with any additional clothing as required for specific activities e.g. walking boots, waterproofs.

Awards & accreditations

  • 6-week certificated workshops
  • Dynamic Youth Awards – SCQF level 3
  • Youth Achievement Award – Bronze & Silver Levels – SCQF level 4 & 5
  • John Muir Award – Discovery, Explore and Conserve levels.
  • Duke of Edinburgh Award – Bronze & Silver – support to complete all sections of the award.

Next Steps

Alongside the referral partner, we will provide support in applying for college or going onto employment. Young People are also eligible to attend our Friday Community Gardening group to gain work experience.


We accept referrals throughout the year.

Personal and social development

  • One to one support sessions with a Youth Vision facilitator
  • Individual S.M.A.R.T goal setting
  • Self reviewing skills through ‘My Circle’ process
  • Healthy eating
  • Building a structured routine
  • Continuing with and developing personal action plans
  • Certificate of completion for each 6 week block

Employability skills and awards

  • Dynamic Youth Award (SCQF Level 3)
  • John Muir Discovery and Explorer awards
  • Youth Vision Tool Safety Certificate
  • C.V. writing workshops
  • Support and training in interview skills
  • Links with employers and training providers
  • Volunteering and Mentoring opportunities with Youth Vision